
In sep 2003 I went to the local police for something else and my dad asked about a signs archive then the cop answered that the town hall didn't have one so I thought something to do it. I found the excellent eeStock and adapted it to manage signs. The idea is that somebody goes nearby a sign and using a GPS writes down the sign location, then the data is inserted in the DB in the town hall.

I modified eeStock (eeStock Homepage) to handle sign. The latest version is here.
Sign is a free software which enables you to manage signs (roadsigns).
It's written in PHP4 and uses a PostgreSQL database to store data.

In the Sign managing section, users can:

  • browse signs by installer, town, law
  • search sign with keyword

  • In the Administration section you can (if you have administrator or superuser rights):
  • create, modify and delete sign
  • browse all sign (list)
  • create, modify and delete laws
  • create, modify and delete towns
  • create, modify and delete installers
  • create, modify and delete users
  • Last update: