My aim was to have the same addressbook on my Palm Tungsten, my notebook and my cellular (P900). I reached the goal using this flow:

This isn't intended to be an how-to but just a report of my problem solving.

The easy thing: the palm device/pc worked with "jpilot" so using with gnomr-pilot/evolution was simple.

Now half is ok, because the same contacts are on the palm and on the computer now comes the other half.

To enable your bluetooth this isn't the place, look in the links below.
As evolution uses vcard 3.0 and the P900 uses vcard 2.1 for the contacts, Evolution is unable to export in 2.1 format so it isn't possible to share it as it is. I used infrared to make the palm send the contact list to the mobile.

To send files to the P900 you can use the gnome-bluetooth and to send/retrive the p3nfs.

  • gnome-bluetooth
    Launch gnome-bluetooth-admin and click "scan".
    Now in a Nautilus's explorer folder window go to the address "bluetooth://" the icon of P900 should appear.
    Drag'n'drop the file you want on the mobile (note: one file per time).
    When I try to send a file from the mobile I get an error, so it is a one-way transmission.

  • p3nfs
    0. To use p3nfsd you should have on the mobile a symbian little app
    that you find on p3nfs-[ver]/bin/nfsapp-[ver]-UIQ.sis.
    as root on the linux machine do the following:
    1. Find the BT adress of your mobile
    [root@lello mune]#  sdptool browse
    Inquiring ...
    Browsing [here it will say your mobile's address]  ...
    Service Name: Voice gateway
      "OBEX" (0x0008)
    2. Listen on channel 13
    [root@lello mune]# rfcomm bind /dev/rfcomm0  00:0E:07:C7:C9:14 13
    3. (una tantum) create dir /mnt/p900
    4. Start the nfsapp on the mobile
    5. On the PC start p3nfs
    [root@lello mune]# /usr/bin/p3nfsd -UIQ -tty /dev/rfcomm0 -dir /mnt/p900 -speed 115200
    p3nfsd: version 5.18, using /dev/rfcomm0 (115200), mounting on /mnt/p900
    6. Tap "Accept" on the mobile.
    7. On the PC you will see the acknolodgment
    p3nfsd: to stop the server do "ls /mnt/p900/exit". (pid 4371)
    8. Check everything worked:
    [root@lello mune]# ls /mnt/p900/
    A:  C:  D:  Z:
    Note: use ch 13 even if it seems more logical to use ch 1.

  • Links
    p3nfs home
    SonyEricsson P900 @
    Celso Martinho - P800 and Linux
    Synchronizing a P800 with Evolution
    Alfonso Martone's Sony Ericsson P900/P910 and Mac OS/X and Linux
    Russel Winder's Web Site
    Stefan Bellon's Home Page - Debian GNU/Linux (sid) with the SonyEricsson P900
    BlueZ Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
    Bluetooth and Linux

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